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Just what you wanted to know

When is your next shop update?

Shop updates are held once a month, usually on the first or second Friday. Update reminders will be posted on the home page. From time to time there will be a Scrap Baby or Snuggle Serpent sale. These are always announced on my site and on social media several days before. 

You can keep up with new Dragons, Scrap Babies, and Snuggle Serpents on Instagram and Facebook.

Do you accept customs?

Yes, but only a limited number per 2 month time frame. I will always post several days in advance when custom spots will be reopened. I post a countdown timer in my Instagram stories as well as here on the website. Customs open on the dates specified at 10 am Central on the Dragons' Instagram and Facebook pages. The dates made available are the dates that a Dragon will be ready for approval, so please bear that in mind when choosing a spot. Be aware that these spots often go quickly, especially the spots for October through December, so I suggest that you choose a couple of dates in case your first choice has been taken. Once they are claimed, the custom orders are closed until the next round. 


Before requesting a custom spot, I suggest that you take a to look through the photos on either Instagram or Facebook to get ideas if you need them. To get an idea of cost, take a moment to look over the Pricing Guide page. 


Once a custom order is accepted, I work closely with my customer to ensure that I understand their vision. So be ready for plenty of questions. You will receive a message when I am ready to begin work on your Dragon. You will receive pictures throughout the creation of your piece, then a final picture to approve before you are invoiced. I do not require payment up front. I have never had any issues with customers refusing to pay - I have excellent customers!


I do reserve the right to deny any custom that I do not believe that I can do justice to the vision. If I don't believe I'm the right artist for the job, I will not take an order simply to collect a payment. I put my heart and soul in to each piece, and know what I'm capable of. If for some reason I deny an order, then I will recommend another artist that I believe to be better suited to the task. 

I love a Dragon I saw. Can you make me one just like it?

All of my Dragons are hand-sculpted, so no two are ever just alike. No matter how hard I might try, it's just not happening. However, if you place a custom order, I will be glad to create one that is similar for you. 

Also, please note that I do not replicate, or attempt to replicate, another artist's work. 

Who makes the Dragons? What are they made of? Where does the design or inspiration come from?

I make all of my Dragons. They are hand-sculpted from polymer clay. I use primarily Premo Sculpey. Occasionally I will use Fimo if they have a color I really like. 

Dragons come to life in a variety of ways. Sometimes the clay takes on a life of its own and before I know it, there sits a new Dragon. Many times they are modeled after children, especially the Dumplin'Dragons, or emotions. On occasions, the idea is given to me by a family member, friend, or follower. In these instances, I give credit to the person for the idea. 

How do you price your Dragons? Do you accept payment plans?

Prices are based on multiple factors: complexity of the sculpt, difficulty of the pose, number of Dragons in the piece, extras such as other creatures, and elements such as bases. Ivy is in charge of all pricing and does a wonderful job of being fair to both me and my customers.

I partner with Affirm to offer payment plans on orders $50.00 and up. Dragons must be fully paid for, by the agreed upon date. If there is an issue, please contact me and I will work with you. Please understand that no Dragons will be shipped until fully paid for. 

If in the unlikely event a customer does not fully pay for a piece, then the portion that has been paid will be refunded, minus 50%, and the sculpture will be listed in my shop for sale. 

Who writes the stories?

The simple answer is, I do. The more complex, but accurate answer is that I am the scribe who writes what the Dragons tell me, lol! Sometimes I haven't even finished creating a Dragon and they are already whispering their story to me. Other times they are more quiet, taking their time before telling me their tale. Sometimes all I get are a vague impression of where they are from and I have to fire up Google for some research. Once I know more about their homes, then the stories form more quickly.

On occasions my husband, daughter, or mom help out with a story, name, or where a Dragon is from or what their purpose is.

There is one story that I did not write. The Snuggle Serpent's Story was written by my mom, Debbie Ellis. Even though she was inspired by my Snuggle Serpents, the story is all hers. I am currently working on creating the sculptures that go with her beautifully written piece. 

My Dragon arrived damaged! What should I do?

First of all, no panicking! I will do everything I can to make things right. Even though I pack my Dragons very carefully some elements are beyond my control once they leave my hands and enter into the realm of the Postal Service. Polymer clay is very durable, but it's not indestructible and sometimes the carriers just don't understand that "Fragile" means don't play hockey with this. If you package arrives with visible damage, then please let me know before you open it. After letting me know, go ahead and check on your Dragon. A damaged box doesn't necessarily mean a damaged Dragon. If your Dragon has been damaged during shipping, please let me know right away. Take pictures of the damage so that I may best decide how to proceed. You can contact me on any of the following: Instagram, Facebook, or, and I will respond within 24 hours, but usually much faster. 


If the damage is minimal, a horn bumped off or a wing is loose, then I will guide you in the steps to take. Small repairs are simple to fix and a good glue will typically take care of things. I don't recommend standard super glue as it can discolor the clay. Clear Gorilla Glue and E6000 work just fine though.


If for some reason your Dragon has sustained major damage during shipping, contact me immediately. I will pay to have it shipped back for repairs. Now, this has never happened, but if your Dragon is damaged beyond repair, then I will recreate it for you as closely as I possibly can. Please remember that these are hand-sculpted works of art, so no two are ever completely identical.


Lastly, be assured that I am here to help. My customers are important to me and I want your experience to be a positive one. I will never grow defensive or refuse to assist you. If you have an issue, then I will work with you to make sure the outcome is one you are satisfied with. 

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