Welcome to Life
With Dragons!

Hi there! I'm April, the creator of Dragon of My Dreams. The Dragons and I are so glad you've stopped by to visit.
Each of my Dragons are hand-sculpted, one of a kind creations, with their own personalities and stories.
So come on in and take a look around. You never know who's waiting to say hello!

What a Journey!
In December of 2017 I created two Dragons for two very special people. They were Christmas presents for the two biggest Dragon fans you will ever meet, my husband, Scott, and our daughter, Ivy.
I never thought two Christmas gifts would explode into what this has become. I loved sculpting the first two so much that I continued creating. I gave them away to friends and family, then decided that I would try my hand at selling my creations. And as they say, the rest is history.
I have met some amazing people who have encouraged me, supported me, and cheered me on. My customers and followers are such wonderful people that I appreciate more than they know. I've been blessed to meet some truly talented and kind artists. Shout out to @bellaenchantedstudios for all of her help and encouragement. You are a true gem!
My family and friends have been beyond amazing and I can never thank them enough for all they do. They are my biggest supporters, strongest encouragement, and my sanity when I'm just a little frazzled.
Above all, I am thankful to God for blessing me with this amazing gift - the ability to create!
So thank you to everyone who has made this journey possible. I can't wait to see what the future holds!

Meet the Dragon Crew!
Being a Dragon creator and small business owner is quite a lot of work. I couldn't do it without my Dragon Crew. Scott is my best friend and other half. He is the manpower and transportation for events, oftentimes helps me with the Dragons' stories, and is an awesome cook - he's a real lifesaver when I'm up against a deadline!
Ivy is our resident MLT. She's my sounding board for new ideas and helps me keep my sanity semi intact. She also decides on all prices and is fair to both me and my customers.
My parents are some of my biggest supporters.
Mom is often a lifesaver during events. She's awesome for bringing me things I manage to forget! She's also a wonderful advertiser, telling everyone about my little Dragons, and often helps with new ideas too.
My Dad was my biggest fan ever. And even though he passed away in 2023, he is still watching over me and the Dragons. To all that he was and is for me, I am so thankful.
I am very blessed to have such a wonderful Dragon Crew!